Welcome to the Australian Coins Wiki
This site is a collaborative effort of the members of the Australian Coin Forum. It is helping us to collect and record information that is of use to Australian coin collectors in particular and world coin collectors in general.
What is the Australian Coins Forum?
The Australian Coins Forum is Australia’s most popular online coin forum with several hundred active (and happy) members. The collective knowledge of that group is indeed vast and this wiki is an attempt to store that knowledge with an eye to the future. If you are not a current member of the Australian Coin Forum please register and come and join in the fun.
Getting Involved with the Wiki
We’re always looking for people to contribute to this wiki. If you’d like to take part then join up at the Australian Coin Forum and once you’ve gathered 50 posts and have been a member for at least two weeks just send me (markn) a forum private message and we’ll setup an account on the wiki for you.
What’s on this Wiki?
Right now we’re just getting things up and running and the only content you can see is the Australian Coins Wiki. In future days and weeks we hope to add a World Coins section, and a Coin Collecting Glossary. If you can’t find what you’re looking for try using the search box on the top right of this screen or clicking on a category on the right column of this page.